Helping Clients Since 1986

Working Hard To Help You Through Divorce And Family Law Issues

A divorce is the legal ending of a marriage. Under Florida law, a divorce decree, also known as a “dissolution of marriage,” it is granted by a court and can be based on a number of different reasons, including “irreconcilable differences.” Florida is a no-fault jurisdiction; meaning the court is concerned with economic issues not who was the bad guy in the divorce.

Divorce can be an extremely stressful thing for everyone involved. If you are considering a divorce or are already going through one, you may have many questions and concerns about legal matters. We can answer them all and clearly explain your rights and options.

Contact us to get help with your divorce matter. We offer a free consultation, either in person or by phone.

If you choose us to represent you in your divorce matter, we will help you deal with:

  • All the procedures and paperwork involved in the divorce itself
  • The division of marital property, including real estate, retirement accounts and vehicles
  • Alimony
  • Child custody, visitation and parental rights
  • Child support or alimony arrangements and payments
  • Domestic violence or other challenges

Attorney David Thomas can represent you in any divorce situation. In Florida, a divorce can be either contested or uncontested.

Uncontested Divorce: A DeFuniak Springs Divorce Mediation Lawyer

An uncontested divorce is a divorce in which all the details of the end of the marriage are agreed upon outside of court by both spouses. Though they can require compromise and more contact with your spouse, this type of divorce is usually much less stressful and much less expensive.

As a certified family mediator, attorney Thomas has much experience in facilitating uncontested divorces on which both sides can agree.

Contested Divorce: When Litigation Is Involved

A contested divorce involves the decision of a judge, with a court settling the conflict and all issues. We can represent you in court when a contested divorce is necessary, advocating for your interests.

The Initial Steps To Prepare For A Dissolution Of Marriage Or Paternity Case

Every divorce looks different, but many of the documents you will need to fill out and the steps you will take will be the same. A rough guide of the steps you will take to prepare for a dissolution of marriage or paternity case include,

  1. Filling out a financial affidavit.
  2. Filling out a UCCJEA form if children are involved.
  3. Providing last 3 paystubs.
  4. Providing last 3 years federal tax returns with attachments.
  5. Comply with Administrative Order not to dissipate assets.
  6. Collect copies of deeds to land and home, titles to vehicles and recreational toys.
  7. Make a list of all personal property owned and what each item is worth.
  8. Secure your credit card and financial information.
  9. Change your online passwords and telephone and facebook passwords.
  10. Don’t do anything to make your situation worse.

Documents Utilized In A Florida Dissolution Of Marriage

  1. A Settlement Agreement: Before or at Mediation in writing, disallows the Parties resolve some or all of their pending issues. This focuses on financial issues and assets.
  2. Shared Parenting Agreement: This preprinted form by the Court delineates timesharing and how Parents act regarding the child(ren). It has options for visitation by a prescribed formula or as the Parents may agree to structure the timesharing.
  3. Final Judgment of Dissolution of Marriage: The Court signs this document and when it is filed in the Clerk’s file the divorce is final. The order will be a short document ratifying any Agreement the Parties may reach or a longer document if there is a contested final hearing before the Court.

We Can Walk You Through The Divorce Process

Whether your divorce is amicable or contested, we can walk you through the process to find resolution. Contact us online or call 850-307-5142 to arrange a free consultation with our DeFuniak Springs divorce family law attorney.